Week 1
Week 1
We have had a lovely (and very busy!) first week back in Year 5. It's always very exciting coming back from a half term holiday and having lots of new things to focus on in class. We thought we'd give you a quick overview of all of the things we have started learning so far...
In Literacy, we are moving on to narrative writing. Sticking to our current topic of North America we have been beginning to look at how the writer helps the reader visualise the story, including having a gripping opener.
In Topic, we have been focusing on different states. This week we focused on the state of Alaska. We learnt all about the physical geography of the state, but most importantly we learnt about the different attractions in this state. We then created a travel brochure of all of the amazing things you can do there!
Finally, in DT we have begun our module of 'Making Trainers'. This links well with our current story 'Holes' because Stanley is accused of stealing trainers which is how he ended up in the terrible place of Camp Green Lake. For our first week, we looked at our own trainers and considered the argument of purpose vs. design!