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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


This half term we have been reading 'Not Your Typical Dragon' by Dan El-Bar. In this story the Dragon- Crispin is unable to breathe fire even though every other dragon can. This story talks a lot about bravery and difference which fits in perfectly with our learning value this half term 'Respect'. At the beginning of the half term, Crispin was desperate for some help and snuck into our classroom. He stole our globe so we contacted the police and they suggested we sent out wanted posters. We worked on writing our own character descriptions of Crispin to make the most effective wanted posters.

Watch our video on the Video Resource Centre:


In our mission to find Crispin and help him, we learnt how to write instructions for 'How to trap a dragon'. Watch our Talk For Writing video to find out how to catch him!

This half term in our Curriculum lessons we have been learning all about 'The Great Fire of London'. We have been so busy learning about London in 1666, the causes of the fire, the effects of the fire and we thought about our enquiry Question- 'What made the GFOL so disastrous?'


Watch our answers here:

What was London like in 1666:


What factors are to blame for the GFOL? :


What made the GFOL so disastrous? :