Gem Maths
Gem Maths
Below are downloadable versions of the Gem Maths addition and subtraction challenges for you to download and print.
- 1 Ruby 1 +-1 to ten.docx
- 1 Ruby 2 +-1 to twenty.docx
- 2 Sapphire 1 +-2 even numbers to 20.docx
- 2 Sapphire 2 +-2 odd numbers to 20.docx
- 3 Emerald 1 number bonds to ten.docx
- 3 Emerald 2 bonds to 20.docx
- 3 Emerald 3 bonds to 9.docx
- 4 Amethyst 1 +10.docx
- 5 Pearl 1 doubles and halves.docx
- 5 Pearl 2 near doubles.docx
- 6 Diamond 1 number in middle, bridging ten, +9.docx