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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Hello Penguins and Polar Bears! We hope you are all safe and well today. Remember to do your workout with PE Joe!

Here are todays home learning activities:

1.Write a sentence and draw a picture for your home learning diary. 


2.Challenge: Can you find and count 20 objects in your house? You could use coins, counters, stones from the garden anything that you can count. Extension: Challenge your child to count different amounts to 20 using the objects e.g. 13, 17, 19… Get them to explain to you how they know it is the amount that you have asked them to make. 


3.Follow the link below to help the helicopter find the numbers to 20. Check out the rest of the top marks website for lots of other fun number games. 


4.If you can, print these pages out and have a go at counting how many aliens in underpants there are. If you don't have a printer, ask you grown up to draw stars, moons or planets for you to count instead.