Week 2
This half term we will be writing our own sequel to 'The Iron Man'. We worked in groups to come up with ideas for our own; hero, enemy, dilemma, challenge and resolution. Then we wrote our own character descriptions to describe our hero and our enemy!
We have started our 'length' topic. We have spent the week measuring objects in the classroom and converting cm into mm and mm into cm. We now know that to convert cm into mm you have to multiply the number by 10.
We have started our 'Sound' topic. We investigated how sound reaches our ear using a drum, rice and a piece of paper. Then we wrote about how the ear works using the key words; ear drum, ear canal, cochlea.
World Book Day
For World Book Day, we discussed our favourite books. Then we shared our favourite books with our peers. After that, we created our own character selfie and wrote a short description about our character!