Week 3
Week 3 Home Learning
Monday's positive quote:
YOU are capable of amazing things. We believe in YOU.
We hope you have had a lovely Easter break and have enjoyed being creative at home. We are sad that we can't see you today to begin the new school term but we wanted to let you know how proud we are of you and all the hard work you have been putting in at home.
Today's challenges are;
1) Maths- Column addition.
Can you solve the column addition problems below? If you are unsure of how to set your column addition out, watch Mrs Bragg's video to help you ( Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0_NQuPWlxw)
a) 234 +162 =
b) 721 +222 =
c) 257 + 244=
d) 497 + 444 =
Fancy a challenge?
Don't forget that exchanging is when you move a ten over and place it under the next column. For example in Mrs Bragg's video she had 5 + 9 = 14 so she had to exchange the 10 (14= 10+4) and move it into the tens column.
2) English - sort the words challenge on Purple Mash!
Don't forget to save your work under your class and name so your teachers can see that you have completed the challenge.
Want to try something new?
Think back to our gymnastic lessons. Can you create different movements where you have 5 body points touching the ground? What about 4 body points of even 3?
Let us know how you get on :)
Happy Monday Year 3!
Have a go at these grammar and punctuation challenges.
Miss you all! From Mrs Carter :)
Happy Tuesday Year 3!
Tuesday's positive quote:
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You have three activities you can complete today.
1) Maths
Using your column addition knowledge from yesterday, see if you can complete the grid below. Remember to use Mrs Bragg's video to support you.
2) English
Can you use the prepositions below to write a few short sentences about the Spring scene?
3) Geography
Follow this link to the BBC bitesize website https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhtyvk7 You will find out what a map is and how to use it. You can then choose one of the activities from the website.
Activity 1) Label the compass
Activity 2) Draw your own map of your local area
Happy Wednesday!
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth day
'Try and leave the Earth in a better way than when you arrived'
Below you will find lots of activities that you can do based on Earth day.
1) Scavenger hunt
Why don't you go for a walk in you local area. Can you find any of the natural things on the checklist below? Did you find anything that was not on the checklist?
2) Outdoor art
Can you collect some natural objects from your garden or your walk. Can you use these natural objects to create a piece of artwork such as the ones in the pictures below?
Tip: You could use twigs to create a frame for your picture.
3) Recyclable craft
We all know the importance of recycling to help maintain a sustainable Earth. Can you use some recyclable items in your house to create some crafts.
Some ideas are;
-Using tins or plastic bottles to create plant pots for inside or outside
-Using cartons or yogurt pots to create bird feeders for your garden
-Using buttons or bottle tops to create handing ornaments for plants/ trees
What else can you think of?
4) Poster
The theme for Earth day this year is 'climate action'. Can you complete some research and design a poster to show what we can do to help combat climate change?
Think about;
-The search and need for palm oil and the effects on the rainforests and orangutans
-The melting ice caps and the impact this has on Polar Bears and other wildlife.
-Soaring temperatures and the effect this has on wild fires such as the ones we learnt about in Australia
You can complete your poster on any other the themes given to you or one of your own choice!
Happy Earth Day from Mrs Carter!
Enjoy reading all about Earth Day with some interesting facts about Earth too, then have a go at answering the comprehension questions!
Happy Thursday Year 3!
Today's positive quote
Dream beautiful dreams, and then work to make those dreams come true.
The activities today include:
1) Maths
You only have 500 tokens to spend at the funfair, and you are only able to go on two rides. How many different combinations can you find?
2) English
Complete the reading task below. This is very similar to a cold read we complete in school, so read through the text carefully before answering the questions. Remember the answers are hidden in the text, so you need to skim and scan for key words to help you find the answer.
3) Science- Light
Take a look at yesterday's BBC bitesize Science lesson https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjjx6v4
In the video they explore light, and how dark is the absence of light. See if you can complete one of the activities below.
1) Complete the short game to show how much you know about light.
2) Take a walk around your house and see how many light sources you can find.
3) Shine a torch light on the following objects and make a note of what you find.
- a glass of water - transparent object (tissue paper, clear plastic)
- a glass of water - translucent object (sunglasses, fabric)
- a glass of water - opaque object (book, chair)
4) Grammar Challenges from Mrs Carter :)
Once you have completed these, can you create some of your own Grammar Challenges?
Happy Friday Year 3!
Well done for completing another week of home learning, we are so proud of you!
Today's challenges are;
1) Maths
On a Friday we would usually do arithmetic so today I would like you to try and answer as many of the challenges below as you can. Remember to read the question and underline any important words- this will help you understand what you are being asked to do.
2) English
Watch the video of Oti Mabuse reading Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg. Can you answer the following comprehension questions? https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zb2k8xs
Comprehension questions
Answer the questions below by pointing to the answer in the poem. Don’t just guess the answer- you must show where you found it.
1. What is the name of the teacher?
2. What is the first thing Derek Drew does wrong?
3. Where does the teacher say the narrator should take their books?
4. What three things does the teacher say the narrator should do with the rubber?
5. What is the final complain the narrator has about Derek Dre?
6. What does the teacher call the narrator in the last verse?
3) Spanish
How do you introduce yourself in Spanish? Have a go at matching the phrases below.