Wednesday 6.5.20
Starter Activities
Begin with Gem Maths. Then we are going to carry on practising those numbers between 50 and 60. Find your hundred square from your learning pack. You are then going to play Fastest Finger. Your grown up says a number between 50 and 60 and you point to it on the hundred square as fast as you can. How many numbers can you find in one minute?
Subtraction - Counting Back
Counting backwards to subtract is an important step to helping children work in the abstract.
It is really straightforward and does exactly what it says on the tin - we count back to subtract.
The important thing to remember is to start counting on the next the number, not the current number. For example, for 7-2 you would start counting on the six, not the seven.
You have a wipeable number line in your home learning pack you can use to help solve these problems.
Reasoning and Problem Solving Challenges
Don't forget to send us pictures of your great work.
Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - by, my, here, there, where
Remember to learn to read and write these independetly.
Activity - Today, we would like you to listen again to the story of The Three Little Pigs using the link below or reread the story if you read your own copy. Can you then practice the story to retell it accurately. This could be a retell by saying the story, acting it out, using finger puppets, using actual teddies, using masks. Don't forget to send us a video of you retelling the story, we would love to hear them.

Below is an image of the Talk for Writing map which I follow in the video. Have a go at making one for yourself then follow the symbols to retell the story. Send in a video.
Activity - Computing (Purple Mash)
We would like you to log in to Purple Mash using your own login (which was sent via Marvellous Me a couple of weeks ago) and complete the 2Dos which have been set.
To access the 2Dos you will see a red link at the top left of the page once you are logged in. Make sure you save them once they are completed. You can always come back and work on it again at a later time. If you require your login again please do not hesitate to contact us
Phonics and Reading
We would like you to click on the videos below and watch the phonics lessons from Letters and Sounds. Activities which you can do to apply the sound are in the video and there are also linked underneath.
After, please watch the videos on the phonics resource and support section which practices all your phonics sounds using the flashcards which we use at school. Have a go at saying the sounds along with Miss Smith. Make sure you are saying the pure sounds accurately.
Don't forget to read your book everyday.
