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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 1

The children have had a great first week back at nursery.  They have enjoyed making lots of new friends playing with our nursery toys.

The children have enjoyed meeting the nursery guinea pigs this week; Poppy and Elsa.  They had the opportunity to hold them and they remembered to be gentle and stroked them carefully.  We talked about how we need to look after the guinea pigs and what they like to eat. 

This week the children have enjoyed looking at our focus book which is 'Walking through the Jungle' by Julie Lacome.


They enjoyed listening to the story and then watching the story on the IWB.  They then had the opportunity to retell the story by using the puppets.  They liked making the sounds each animal makes.  They also enjoyed looking at other jungle stories looking at the pictures and retelling the story.


 This week the children all enjoyed going on an Autumn walk around our playgrounds and into Loretta's garden.  We talked about Autumn and what happens to the leaves.  They loved looking at the different trees and the leaves on the ground.  They had the opportunity to collect the leaves in a basket and then look at the different colours.

We really enjoyed using the leaves that we collected on our Autumn walk last week to design our own autumn pictures. We used the leaves and twigs to design trees and sticky pictures. During our craft time we talked about how Autumn changes the colours of the leaves and the colours of them now we found lots of green, red, orange and yellow leaves.

Here is a video of some children reading our focus book.




Here is a video of a child reading a story about Spot, follow the link below.