Thursday 9.7.20
This week your rule is ...
The 'l' sound is spelt -el at the end of words after m, n, r, s, v or w.
Learn to spell these words this week
camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel
In the book green crayon writes his postcard signing his name as Esteban the Magnificent.
Create a short story about Esteban the Magnificent and the adventures he might have been on. Make sure you include some exciting adjectives and verbs.
Imagine that you have visited a different country and a landmark it could be the Eiffel tower, Pyramids, Great Wall of China, Statue of Liberty, Sydney Opera House, Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Mount Rushmore, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Buckingham Palace, The Colosseum, Stonehenge.
Write a postcard from the landmark, draw a picture of what you saw, what was it like, create art about the place, or design a model from things in your house. You might have to conduct some research first.