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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



Miss Moss Phonics 

This week we are looking at the ay sound here are the words for you to learn


Play   say   may   day   today    the     do


Miss Barker and Miss Finnie's Phonics

This week we are looking at the 'i' sound spelt as a 'y'


Myth, gym, crypt, lyric, gypsy, symbol, system, mystery, system, accident, accidentally, actual

Click here to see Miss Finnie's maths lesson


Maths Tasks


Today we are going to learn about how to write a newspaper report.


Task 1 

Read this newspaper report and answer the five questions below.


What is the report about?

Who is involved in the story?

When did the events take place?

Where did the events take place?

Why is this happening?



Task 2 

Using the same report, find and copy out examples of the newspaper features below.


  • The headline (often found at the top of the page)

  • Two facts

  • quote showing someone’s opinion (Top tip! Look for inverted commas)

  • Three past tense verbs (Top tip! Look for verbs ending in -ed)

  • caption describing what is shown in a picture

Miss Moss group newspaper report

Art Lesson 2

Create a background for your final piece, what could you create? Can you repeat the pattern to fill a page?


Wellbeing Task

Teach someone about something that you know about

Love For Reading