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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Monday Phonics

Good morning Penguins and Polar Bears. This week is Wellbeing Week, so remember to be aware of everyone in your house and how they are feeling!


Do your daily exercise with PE Joe:

Change your ereading book:


1.Well being Activity: With your grown up thing of 5 things that make you feel Happy! Tell each other why they make you happy.


2.Do your daily phonics! From 10am this morning Reception Lesson 11 will be available, or go on straight away if you need to do a previous lesson.


3.Challenge: Think of four words with the th sound in e.g. think, them. Draw pictures and write the words in your blue books. Extension: try writing a sentence using one of the th words that you have thought of.


4.Go to the following site and have a go at the th sound Buried Treasure activity. Click the link below, click next, click phase 3, click th. You might even want to play the game twice- once for each sound!

Send us any photos, questions or comments about todays Home Learning.

Have a great day!