Year 2 Residential to Beaumanor Hall
On Tuesday 12th and Webesday 13th March, 29 Year 2 children along with 6 members of staff set out on a trip to Beaumanor Hall. As we left the rain began to pour but we were in high spirits. Once we arrived we got off the bus and set off to the accomodation to deposit our lugagge and then the adventure began!
We met 'Not so jolly Jane' who gave us all pirate names. Having become part of her pirate crew we had to see if we were up to the job! We tested our maths skills, memory skills, accuracy and sea legs by completing a range of different tasks in some wind and rain.
Having completed these, it was time to get settled in the accomodation. We split into our different cabins and got settled in. Once we were sorted, we headed to the hall for dinner and to play hide and seek in the cellars. It was fantastic fun and we were all extremely tired by the end of day one!
Following what sounded like a stormy night, we woke up to a crisp and calm, al be it chilly day. We set off for breakfast in the hall and then began our nature day. We went on a bird hunt listening to the sounds around the hall the different birds made, went on a bug hunt around the site and discussed all the different habitats we had learnt about.
We had the most incredible time and could not wait to get home to explain to our parents and carers all about what we had been up to.