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Southglade Primary School home page

Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Good morning Penguins and Polar Bears! Remember to do your PE with Joe today!

Here are todays Home Learning Activities.

1.Write a sentence and draw a picture for your home learning diary.

2.Challenge: Think of four words with the oo oo sound in eg book (u), broom (ooo). Draw pictures and write the words in your blue books. Extension: try writing a sentence with some of the oo oo words.

3.Go to the following site and have a go at the oo oo sound Dragon's Den activity. Click next, click phase 3, click +oo.

4.If you can, print out these sheets and have a go at the oo oo activities.


5.Remember to send us photos of your work or anything else you get up to during your home learning day. We love seeing all of the amazing learning that you are doing at home!