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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'




                                 Set 1                                                    Set 2

                                  said                                                    occasion
                                  says                                                  occasionally
                                   was                                                    position
                                   our                                                    quarter
                                  door                                                    woman
                                 break                                                   various
                                   any                                                      often

                                 again                                                    promise

                                 grass                                                  therefore

                                  told                                                    strength


Can you try the outdoor challenges to learn this week's spellings?






1. Find the definition of the words 'invade' and 'settle' by using a dictionary or online dictionary.

2. Place the synonyms for the words 'invade' and 'settle' in the correct columns






Adverbs give us more information about a verb (doing word), explaining how, when or where an action is taking place.


Can you sort the adverbs into the correct columns? Think carefully about what the adverb is telling us.



This week we are going to focus on instructions.

1. What are instructions and when are they used?

2. Read the 'How to make a cup of tea' example text. Remember to read with fluency and expression. You may want to read the text a couple of times to practise this.

3. Can you create your own success criteria? What needs to be included in an instructional text?




Reading Comprehension

Can you read about the Jewish celebration 'Shavuot' and answer the comprehension questions.


Here is a success criteria for writing instructions. The example text has been highlighted to match the success criteria. e.g. adverbs have been highlighted in green.




Can you write your own set of instructions, using the success criteria to help you?

You could write a set of instructions for anything you like. Here are some examples:
-How to tie your shoe laces
-How to make a snack
-How to play a board game
-How to play a video game