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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Six Key Areas of Maths Learning

1.) Cardinality Principle and Counting - 

value of the number. how many it represents?


2.) Comparison -  

comparing numbers involves knowing which are worth more or less than


3.) Composition - 

understanding that one number can be made up of two or more smaller numbers.

For example - 

5 can be made in different ways. 

3+2 = 5


4+1= 5


1+1+1+1+1 =5




4.) Pattern-  

supporting children with looking for and finding patterns helps them to identify and understand relationships between numbers.  


5.) Space and Shape- 

exploring and understanding what happens when shapes are rotated or are combined to make other shapes, all help with developing mathematical thinking. 


6.) Measures-

helping children to compare length, weight and volume.