Week 2
This week has been such a busy week!
The whole week has been anti-bullying week and we have spoken a lot about what bullying really means, and what to do if we think someone is being bullied.
Monday was Remembrance Day, and after learning more about what this means, we held a 2 minute silence in assembly. In 2S we also made some poppy artwork which will be sent home next week.
Tuesday was odd socks day, where we all wore our odd socks to show how we are all unique and different - and that is OK! It would be so boring if everyone were the same, and we should embrace the things that make us different.
On Wednesday we wrote a recipe for the perfect friend, and wrote instructions on how to mix all the ingredients perfectly. Add a dollop of kindness, then mix in a splash of friendliness!
On Friday, to round up anti-bullying week, the whole school made a human chain! everyone int he school was connected to each other and we passed positive messages along the line.
Have a look at some of the children in 2S carrying out an exciting science experiment where we were investigating whether cheap, expensive or a middle price kitchen roll was most absorbent. It was great fun and very interesting, some children found that the expensive brand was most absorbent, whereas other children found that it was the middle one!