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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



Today we are going to recap the 'ee' sound in the 'ee' sound family. Watch the video below and have a go at some of the activities to reinforce this sound. 

Below is a video from letters and Sounds. This is a fantastic resource and is available on YouTube. 

Please do not worry that this videos says it is for Reception.

This sound is covered during Phase 3 which is taught in Reception, but needs to be recapped as part of the 'ee' phonics family. 

ee - see

As always there are challenges and activities to complete below. 


Today we are going to do our oracy lesson for the week. We would like you to think about somewhere you have been on holiday or for a day out. Can you get your grown up to find a photograph of this or could you draw a picture and we would like you to talk about that. What did you like? What did you do? Where did you go? 


Still image for this video
Recapping 'cl' join


Kick things off with some counting and number sense by clicking the link below. You are going to be counting in odd numbers today.


Then follow the link for the main part of the lesson. You are going to be solving problems involving measures and understanding that visual representations are not always actual size.


Our reading lesson today is 'vocabulary' where we will be exploring the 'ee' sound family. 

Practice your blending skills to read the real and nonsense words below



Today we are thinking about how to keep our money safe. 

Have a look at the PowerPoint, which is a quiz and then complete the scenario sheet. 


Below are some links to the Bedtime stories from Cbeebies, watch these before you go to sleep or while you are relaxing.