Wednesday 15.7.20
Maths Warm up – Gem maths practice. Then practice counting up and down in 5s from numbers up to and beyond 100. Position and Direction – Left and Right Today we are going to continue thinking about left and right as well as above and below. Play Simon Says again with an emphasis on using left and right body part and the prepositions above and below. Once you have done this, try the questions in the resource section, then watch the video for an explanation of the answers. |
Phonics Complete the phonics lesson that is most appropriate for you. If you are unsure, contact your teacher. Phase 3: Revise lesson Phase 4: Watch lesson Phase 5: Revision Session - ‘oy’ sound family with Miss Smith. Use the link below to find the other pages you need for today’s session. |
English Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - has, you, love, come, some Remember to learn to read and write the words independently. Using Evidence Remind yourself of the story Trust Me Jack’s Beanstalk Stinks. You then need to answer the following question, explaining your thinking with examples from the story. The giant says it is hard to be a giant and that humans bother him – do you believe him? Why/why not? |
Take a break Have a chat; listen to some music; watch a programme; read a book; go outside |
Curriculum - Computing Complete the Purple Mash 2Do activity for the week. |
Storytime Watch and listen to the story Littlest Dreamer: A Bedtime Adventure |