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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



The learning value for this half term is Resilience! Working from home can be really difficult and you will all need to demonstrate lots of resilience for this half term. Watch the videos below and work through the PowerPoint. Your task is to look at the pictures attached and record how the people/animals in each picture shows resilience. There is also a resilience baseline for you to complete. Answer the questions in the 'before' section and look after the sheet, as you will be asked to complete this again at the end of the half term. Remember to send us emails with photos of your wonderful work!

Resilience Animation

What makes resilience

How is resilience shown in this clip?

Famous Failures

Inspiring video on persevering no matter how many times you have failed in life.This video mentions well known people who had failed, but kept pressing on un...