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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Tuesday 30.6.20


Add 2-digit numbers- Watch the video from White Rose and the video of Miss Storer, then have a go at the questions underneath.

More practice adding

Still image for this video


The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. Watch this video of the classic story, then answer the questions underneath to review the story.

1. Did you like the story? Why?


2. Would you recommend the story to a friend? Why?


3. Write a short summary of the story for someone who has never heard it.


4. How many stars out of 5 would you give the story?


5. Draw your favourite scene from the story.



Watch the videos on the BBC Bitesize page here:

After you have watched the videos, have a go at the Spanish activities all about the numbers up to 12. The cross word is below for you.

If you can't print it out, you can recreate the activity by drawing it in your book or onto paper.