Our vision statement
At Southglade Primary and Nursery School, we feel it is important to nurture and encourage the natural curiosity our pupils have, and to shape and direct it to turn the children into inquisitive, questioning learners who look closely at the world around them and begin to be able to interpret what they see. We give our pupils the opportunity to become global citizens, fostering and deepening their interest and wonder in exploring the world around them. We also know it is important for pupils to feel pride in where they come from and encourage local fieldwork skills to foster this. We recognise that our pupils are going into a rapidly changing world and we prepare them for this by encouraging our pupils to learn to think critically, think spatially, use maps, visual images and other technologies to analyse and present information they gather. Where ever possible cross-curricular links are made through overarching themes to contextualise and motivate learners.
In Geography pupils develop their knowledge of people and places to understand the physical, social and economic forces which shape those places and the lifestyles of the people who live there. We study local areas/issues and extend these studies into the wider world. The children learn to use maps to locate cities, countries, mountain ranges, rivers, seas and oceans. They use atlases, photos and the internet to explore the environment and economics of those countries which they study. They then use the skills they have developed in English, Maths and Computing to report and record their findings.
Please use your child's year group page to find out what they are learning about each half term!