Week 2
First practice the daily tasks listed on the previous page to keep up your number skills to 50.
Today's task is linked to measuring. Can you remember why it is important to measure? Tell your grown up if you can.
Before we can measure we need to be able to compare. What does this mean?
We need to be use these words to compare: tall, tallest, short, short, shortest, long, longer, longest
Your job is to find objects from around your home and compare their lengths and heights. See if you can find five objects (or more) and put them in order from shortest to longest and longest to shortest. Write down sentences to describe what have you done.
For example: The crayon is the shortest. The pencil is longer than the crayon but shorter than the bottle. The bottle is the longest.
Don't forget to make sure the ends of the objects you compare lined up so that it is a fair comparison.
Think about this reaoning problem and write down what you think the anser is.
First do your daily Gem maths practice then we are thinking about non-standard measures.
This means we use objects to measure, not rulers. Find something you can use as your measurer then see if you can measure six different things from around your home. Record the results in a table like the one below.
If something is not an exact amount (like the book in the picture) then see what it is closest too. In the example picture, the colouring book is just over four pegs long so we would record it as four.
Today we are measuring using standard measures. This means we are using the standard unit of measurement centimetres or cm. We have practised this in school before so hopefully you are really good at it!
If you don't have your own ruler, there is a laminated one in your learning pack that you can cut out.
Don't forget, when measuring you need to line the endo of the object up with the mark for zero, not the end of the ruler.
You challenge today is to measure some items around your home. Record the results of your measuring in a table. Don't forget to record in cm.
Have a go at this problem. Record the anwer in your work book.
Today we are going to keep practising our measuring skills using standard measures. We are going to be using cm again as we are going to be measuring things that aren't too big.
Do you know what unit of measurement we might use if we were measuring something larger or smaller?
Today I would like you to complete the following challenges and record what you did in your workbook:
1. Find an object with a length of 8cm
2. Find an object with a length of 25cm.
3. Find three different objects that are the same length.
4. Find two objects with a difference in length of 10cm.
5. Find two objects with a difference in length of 15cm.
6. Find two objects where one's length is double the other's.
Friday is Fluency Friday. You need to do your Gem Maths test to see if you can move up a level.
But first do your daily tasks to practise numbers to 50:
- Counting up and down in 1s from numbers within 50.
- Playing 'Fastest Finger' using the provided hundred square to quickly identify numbers to 50. All you need to do is say a number and the child finds and points to it on the 100 square as fast as possible.
- Say numbers up to 50 for your child to write on their laminated whiteboard or exercise book provided in your pack.
Then practice some addition and subtraction of numbers to 20 to get ready for your test.
Next do your Gem maths test (children should know what level they are on). Get a grown up to write the questions out for you then you have three minutes to answer them all. Remember, you are not allowed to use anything to help you during the test.
Let us know what level you attempted and what score you got. Did you get 19 or 20? If so, move up to the next level.