Summer 1
Welcome to our year 2 class blog for Summer 1!
Our I wonder question this half term is:
I wonder if everywhere in the world is the same?
Have a look below to see how we are exploring this question.
Introducing the new author on the block!
We are so proud of Jessica writing and illustrating her very first book 'A lovely house'. She has balready written the next book in the series - 'A spooky house!'
We are so proud of her dedication to writing this book, and it really is a wonderful read. Well done Jessica!
Curriculum driver project!
After learning so much about the differences between Kenya and England, Year 2 have made their own mud huts!
They are so proud of their creations, and love explaining why Kenya and England are so different.
Talk for Writing in English
Click here to watch 2S perform a section of their Talk for Writing about Kenya.
RE celebration day- Eid
African Music
In Year 2 we have been learning about African music which links to our book this half term- Lila and the Secret of Rain. Here is a short video of 2B singing the song ' Simaa maa kaa'

Weeks 1&2
Our book this half term is Lila and the Secret of Rain by David Conway and Jude Daly. It is a lovely book set in Kenya, where a girl called Lila tells the sky the saddest things she knows to try and make it cry rain, as without water there can be no life.
In our English lessons, we are changing the story to be about us! Our story is set in Nottingham and is called 'Me and the Secret of Sunshine'. We are rewriting the story and telling the sky the happiest things we know to try and make it stop crying, as we want the sun to come out!
We have just finished our unit on fractions where we have been learning all about halves, quarters and thirds. We are experts at chopping shapes into fractions, and have begun to find fractions of numbers too, which can be quite tricky!
Our next maths topic is measurement and length, so we will be measuring all sorts of things.
This half term we are learning all about plants in science. We have learnt the parts of a flower and what plants need to grow. This week we are going to plant a seed and take care of them, competing a growth diary of what we observe.
Our curriculum driver this half term is Geography, and it links perfectly with our English book; we are learning all about Kenya! We began by learning the 7 continents and 5 oceans with some catchy songs on YouTube.
We have begun to look at the differences between England and Kenya such as the weather and the landscape. We learned a fancy new word; equator, which is the line around the middle of the Earth where it is hottest. Kenya is right on the equator which explains why it is so hot and dry!