Today, we are going to continue with the 'oa' sound family and explore the 'oe' digraph from Phase 5. Please watch the video below and complete some of the activities provided.
Today we have a 2Do on Purple Mash English to complete. You have the chance to write your own version of Paddington Bear. Make sure you watch the video below to explain the task.
Today we have another very exciting opportunity!
At 10.30am we have a fantastic chance for you to watch a live session with the author Tom Percival where he answers questions from children at Nottingham City schools.
This will be an amazing opportunity, click the link below to watch the event.
Reading opportunity today!

Today we are going to recap the formation of the individual sounds y g w v u x. Watch the videos to see the letter formation in action.
Comparing Time
As usual, begin with number sense and counting by hitting the link below.
For the main part of lesson, we are going to recap telling the time the nearest hour and half hour. After that, you are going to be comparing amounts of time.
PSHE - Financial Education
For our final session on Financial Education we are thinking about saving money. Have you ever saved money? If so, what for? Is it a good idea to save?
Have a go at the scenarios in the 'What should they do?' sheet in your pack or below. Then test your knowledge of saving by completing the fun quiz!
Today we would like you to have a watch of some more bedtime stories. There is the link below to all the stories or individual links to a selection. Relax, watch and enjoy.