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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


English Warm Up Activity

English - Watch the first video The Planets' imagine you are an astronaut and you have just landed on one of the planets. Can you describe the planet?

  • Describe your feelings
  • Describe what you see
  • Describe what you hear
  • Describe what you feel
  • Describe what you can touch
  • Describe what walking on the planet is like
  • How does it feel to be in space?


Complete the maths activity mats



Miss Moss Group


Miss Fyfe Group

Other Activities 

  • As we have been learning about the Olympics and today is the opening ceremony of Tokyo 2021 Olympics.
  • I would like you to watch the 2 videos below of previous opening ceremonies in Beijing and London. Think about how culture is shown and used in the ceremony of each country.
  • Can you design a poster for the Olympics in Tokyo and think about the culture from this week's activities. 

London 2012

Beijing 2008

Click here for Beijing Video