English Vision Statement
At Southglade, we want to create children who are enthusiastic, lively writers with a life-long love for reading. Through our book-based Curriculum, children will experience an abundance of quality, engaging texts that stimulate them to read and write.
We aim for children to leave Southglade with English skills they need to succeed beyond the classroom and to continue to build on their love for learning.
English Long Term Plans and Overview
The Royal Shakespeare Company’s (RSC) Associate Schools
We are super excited to share that we are a RSC Associate School!
The programme is a long-term partnership between the RSC and schools and regional theatres across England. We will be working closely with The Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall.
As members of this community, pupils and school staff will work in partnership with TRCH and the RSC to access performances, training opportunities, and theatre tours. They will also have the chance to engage in the RSC’s Shakespeare Ambassadors programme, training pupils to be Leaders in Shakespeare, as well as the RSC’s Next Generation talent development programme and annual Playmaking Festival. Year 5 will have the opportunity to perform in a Shakespeare play on the Theatre Royal stage in summer term of 2025, as well as multiple opportunities to enjoy live and exclusive Shakespeare performances.
A recent study found that schools who engaged in RSC teaching approaches enjoyed positive impacts on the confidence, literacy skills and problem-solving ability of the young people who participated.
We are thrilled to be part of this RSC programme and will keep you updated with all the exciting things we do!
2023- 2024
Our Southglade Library
We are very pleased to share photos of our updated library at Southglade!
It is a beautiful area that children enjoy spending time reading and exploring a range of books. We have a wide range of books that are diverse, inspiring, creative and that capture their imagination. We use our school library for class sessions, groups sessions and enjoy using it for DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) sessions. We have fantastic Year 6 librarians who ensure the library is well-maintained and cared for.
We love to see the children at Southglade enjoying our school library and reading the books that it offers them in a beautiful, inspiring and calm environment!
Happy Reading at Southglade Library!

We had a FANTASTIC World Book Day! All classes celebrated by taking part in activities linked to books, authors and reading. We had an amazing assembly where the children were able to showcase their outfits and love for reading.
“Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible!”
Barack Obama