Tuesday Topic
Good morning everyone! Today's Home Learning is all about toys!
Remember your daily exercise too.
1.Well being activity- What makes you amazing? Think of all of the things that you are good at and that you are proud of. If you like, you could write them down in a list or draw picture of them.
2.Do your daily phonics! From 10am this morning Reception Lesson 12 will be available, or go on straight away if you need to do an earlier lesson.
3.Challenge: Draw or take a photo of your favourite toy. What do you think they would say if they could speak? Draw a speech bubble to go with your toy and write what they are saying in it.
4.Go to the following link to have a go at using the ball to write different letters.
5.If you can print, choose Woody or Jess and write a sentence in their speech bubble.