Today we are going to begin exploring the 'igh' sound family. The first sound we are going to recap is 'ie' Watch the video which recaps the sound then complete the activities and challenges below.
Phonics introduction
Today, we are going to begin to explore different ways of writing. To start with, we are going to explore postcards.
What is a postcard? Have you ever received a postcard or sent one? When would you send one?
Paddington sends postcards to Aunt Lucy to tell her what he has been up to. Watch the video of Miss Smith explaining the lesson and then all the adventures of Paddington to write a postcard to Aunt Lucy as if you are Paddington.
Measures - Time
Welcome back to another week of maths lessons. As ever, we begin with counting and number sense so hit the link below to get cracking!
Now it is time for the main part of our lesson. This week and next, we are going to be learning about time and how it can be measured. Today's lesson is based on learning and understanding some key words that help us order events. Hit the link for the lesson.
Curriculum Driver
Today we will be learning about map symbols and using maps to find Bestwood and Southglade. We will also be creating a sketch map of our school.
If you have access to Google Earth then you might want to see if you can find the United Kingdom and the four countries of the UK. Once you've found the UK, zoom in to see if you can find Nottingham, Bestwood and then Southglade. It's great fun!
Look at the PowerPoint and complete the different map activities. Finally, draw your own sketch map of our school using the aerial view of Southglade which is provided in your packs and below.
Make sure that you return all of the work.
Below are some books from Oxford Owl you can watch and join in with. We hope you enjoy the different tales.