Monday 1.6.20
As usual you need to begin by practising your Gem Maths. After that you are going to continue to build your knowledge of numbers to 100. Before half term we had got to 80 so this week we are going to focus on the numbers from 80 to 90. Practice counting up and down in 1s from 80 to 90 then back again.
Place Value
This week the focus is going to be on place value. This means we are learning to understand how much the digits are worth and what they represent in numbers up to one hundred.
Hopefully you have been working through all the starter activities so you have a good knowledge of the numbers on the hundred square.
Today you are going to begin by doing these dot to dots as a fun way to explore counting to one hundred.

Now you are going to think about the place value of the numbers to one hundred. You need to know what each digit is worth in a number. We do this by partitioning.
For example, 72.
What does the 7 represent? What does the 2 represent? It is useful to think of the digits as being in columns - the tens and the ones columns. When we split the number into these two parts, that is partitioning.
In this case, the 7 represents 7 tens which is 70. The 2 represents 2 ones. Put them together and you get seventy-two. Practice partitioning some numbers to 100 then have a go at the questions below.
Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - I, the, a, today, says
Remember to learn to read and write the words independently
Activity - Today, we would like you to look at the Spot the difference activity below. Have a look at the images of the Three Little Pigs, what can you see that is different? Write them in your book and explain what the differences are using the conjucntion 'but'.

Activity - Patterns
We would like you to use paint, pencils, chalk, felt tips, items, lego, objects even food colouring to create a range of different patterns. These could be done using different shapes, images, stencils, whatever you can find to create the patterns.
Phonics and Reading
We would like you to click on the videos below and watch the phonics lessons from Letters and Sounds. Activities which you can do to apply the sound are in the video and there are also linked underneath.
After, please watch the videos on the phonics resource and support section which practices all your phonics sounds using the flashcards which we use at school. Have a go at saying the sounds along with Miss Smith. Make sure you are saying the pure sounds accurately.
Don't forget to read your book everyday.