Week 4 25.1.21
Hi everyone we hope you are well. Here are a few activities you can do with your child this week.
Count to 10 with your child
Can they count beyond 10?
Now count groups of objects in the house eg count your tins of beans etc.
Now for some counting on...
Follow this link and complete the activities:
Another activity you can do with your child is making some biscuits.
This activity covers both knowledge and understanding of the world and maths. Use this simple recipe where you only need flour, sugar and butter.
Count out:
8 table spoons of flour
5 table spoons of sugar
4 table spoons of butter
Share a book with your child. Talk about what has happened in the story and what they think may happen next. Our focus books this half term are fairy tales so here is the story of 'the three little pigs' for your child to enjoy.