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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Watch Miss Finnie teach today's maths lesson



Can you write a diary entry for everything you have done today? Remember to start it off with Dear diary. You could include things like what you had for breakfast, what work you have done, and how you are feeling today.

Please find a video explaining the activity on the video resource centre. 

Love for Reading

Art - sketch the patterns below and then draw the picture by Tang Yao Hoong and critique it



Possessive apostrophe (singular nouns) We use an apostrophe to show ownership of something. A person can own something, which is shown by an apostrophe then the letter 's'. If there are multiple people that own something, then we show this by writing the plural possession apostrophe s'.


Today focus on these words- the girl’s the child’s the man’s Ben’s Sam’s Harry’s



Possessive Nouns

Extra Art activity!

The author for the story the Iron Man will teach you how to draw the Iron Man and you can follow along with him.