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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 1

Week 7 - Mr P visited school to show us some circus skills! We all had a turn at bwalking on the bucket stilts.

Week 6 - We all really enjoyed our "I am Special!" party. We had dancing, party games and party food too!

Week 5 - We had lots of fun learning all about India on India Day! We made Indian flags, dressed up and did some Indian dancing too!

Week 4 - The children have enjoyed showing the rest of their class and talking about their baby and family photos this week! They have also learned about babies and what babies do and do not need, the children were able to complete a cut and stick activity to support this. 

Week 3 - While the weather is still good we have been working on our Physical skills in the outdoor area!

Week 2 - We looked closely at our skin, hair and eye colour, then tried to choose the right colours for our portraits and hand prints. We are learning that we are all different but we are all special!

Week 1 - We have all settled into our new classes really well and had lots of fun playing inside and out!