This week we are looking at the suffix y. Today we are going to be looking at when we need to use the rule ‘double the consonant before adding y’.
We have looked at this rule before when we have learnt about other suffixes.
If a word
- Has one syllable
- Ends in a consonant
- Has a vowel before the consonant
Then we double the last consonant before adding the suffix.
Have a go at filling in the table below. The first one has been done for you.
Root word |
Double the consonant |
Add y |
fun |
funn |
funny |
run |
spot |
bag |
mud |
Can you find any more?
Over the last week we have been learning all about heroes, including real life heroes. We have started to study Captain Sir Tom Moore and have taken inspiration from him to run a fundraising project in Year 2. Yesterday I asked you to create a poster showing what we could do to raise money and for what cause.
Some ideas were;
- 100 minutes of exercise
- read 100 books
- give out 100 food parcels
Some project were
- raise money for school
- raise money for the local church
- raise money for local families
Tomorrow we are going to be writing a persuasive letter to Mrs Thomas to convince her to pick our idea. Mrs Thomas will then pick her favourite (perhaps more than one!) and Year 2 will complete these over the next few weeks.
Before we write a persuasive letter, we must first notice the features of a persuasive text. Watch Mrs Bragg's video here https://southglade.primarysite.media/media/english-2321 and then have a go at finding the features in the letter attached.
Today we are recapping methods of adding and subtracting, including exchanging.
Watch Miss Storer's video to remind yourself of the different methods, then have a go at the questions in your pack.

Today in science you are investigating stretchy fabrics.
You will need to find 5 different fabrics in your house to test how stretchy they are.
Stretchy means you can hold each end and pull and the fabric will get longer, but then spring back to its original shape.
Once you have found 5 materials, predict which will be the most stretchy BEFORE testing it, and which will be the least stretchy. Draw the order of your prediction on the worksheet in your pack.
When you have made your prediction, test your materials!
You could use a ruler to see how far you can stretch each one.
If you begin with your hands 10cm apart and then see how far you can stretch the material, you can work out which material is the most stretchy and the least stretchy.
When you have tested all of your fabrics, check if your prediction was right!
Challenge: Can you think of anything that you think would be even stretchier than your most stretchy fabric?