*Summer Wk 7 w/b13/07/20
Friday’s Home Learning
This Weeks Focus Book is …The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Click here to listen to the audiobook. |
Watch phonics lesson 59
Maths Click the link below to watch numberblocks ‘The big one’.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0007llc/ numberblocks-series-4-the-big-one Have a chat about the episode. What did you find out?
Can you count all the way to 100? Can you count to 100 in 10s? 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100! |
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while |
Today’s Challenge The Snail and the Whale are very good friends. How do they help each other in the story? How could you help your grown ups today? Think of some ideas and then go and lend a helping hand!
Follow up Activities Use this number paint square to explore numbers to 10. Can you find the number? Count in 10s? Count to 100?
Print out the worksheet below or find it in your home learning pack to see how to make your own wormery.
Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘Tiny Snail’ |
Thursday’s Home Learning
This Weeks Focus Book is …The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Click here to listen to the audiobook. |
Watch phonics lesson 58
Maths Click the link below to watch numberblocks ‘Twenty one and on’.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0007g91/number blocks-series-4-twenty-one-and-on
Have a chat about the episode. What did you find out? Can you count to 21? Can you keep going to 30? Try making the numbers 20+1=21 20+2=22 20+3=23 and so on. |
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while |
Today’s Challenge As a snail moves he leaves a slimy silvery trail behind him You can see some on this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acuoZeILLiE Can you draw or make your own slimy snail trail? You could use glue and glitter, paint, felt tips or wax crayons. Make your trail curly and winding, where will your snail go?
Follow up Activities Print out the worksheet below or find it in your home learning pack to see how to make your own slime!
Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘Snail Trail’ |
Wednesday’s Home Learning
This Weeks Focus Book is …The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Click here to listen to the audiobook. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmMnaSkeKqQ |
Watch phonics lesson 57
Maths Click the link below to watch numberblocks ‘Terrible Twosday’.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0006xds/ numberblocks-series-4-terrible-twosday
Have a chat about the episode. What did you find out? Get your gems from yesterday. Can you make some terrible twos? Start with 4 – how many 2s? Start with 8 – how many 2s? Start with 10 – how many 2s? Tell your grown up what you find out. Can you try some bigger numbers? |
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while |
Today’s Challenge A snails shell is a spiral shapes
Google Spiral images Google spirals in nature images
Can you draw some spirals? Use different colours. |
Follow up Activities Print out the worksheet below or find it in your home learning pack to have a go at cutting out a spiral hanger.
Can you decorate it with a repeating pattern?
Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘Norman the slug’ |
Tuesday’s Home Learning
This Weeks Focus Book is …The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Click here to listen to the audiobook. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmMnaSkeKqQ |
Watch phonics lesson 57
Maths Click the link below to watch numberblocks ‘The Lair of Shares’.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000 6xcw/numberblocks-series-4-the-lair-of-shares
Have a chat about the episode. What did you notice? Find some coins or counters, to be your gems and some dishes to share them into. Try sharing them out in different ways: 12 gems and 2 dishes 15 gems and 3 dishes 20 gems and 4 dishes Tell your grown up what you find out. |
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while |
Today’s Challenge Watch these clips to find out some facts about snails
Tell your grown up three facts about snails |
Follow up Activities Print out the worksheet below or find it in your home learning pack to have a go at labelling the snail
Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘Are you a snail?’ |
Monday’s Home Learning
This Weeks Focus Book is …The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Click here to listen to the audiobook. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmMnaSkeKqQ |
Watch phonics lesson 54
Maths Click the link below to watch numberblocks ‘Fun times fair’.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0006xcc/ numberblocks-series-4-fun-times-fair
Have a chat about the episode. What did you notice? Find 12 coins or counters, share them with your grown up. How many do you have each? Share them between 3 toys. How many do they have each? Share them between 4 toys. How many do they get? Challenge: Can you write the number sentences? 2x6=12 3x4=12 4x3=12 |
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while |
Today’s Challenge Listen to ‘The Snail and the Whale’ again by clicking the link below, or have a read of it if you have the book at home.
Can you retell the story to a grown up or a sibling? Draw your favourite part and write a sentence to go with it.
Follow up Activities Print out the worksheet below or find it in your home learning pack to have a go at the minibeast wordsearch.
Watch this clip about snails on cbeebies
https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/mini-beast- adventure-with-jess-snail-adventure
Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’- it is written by Julia Donaldson too! |