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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



SEND Information Report 2023 - 2024


Southglade Primary and Nursery School is a community maintained, mainstream school.


We have a strong ethos of inclusion at our school. Every child at Southglade is treated as a unique individual and we will consider all their needs and requirements.


The school supports children with a wide range of needs including: ASD, ADHD, physical and sensory needs including visual and hearing impairments, specific learning difficulties including dyslexia and dyspraxia and social, emotional and mental health needs. 


How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?


We acknowledge that all children are individuals and have different

learning needs, some requiring additional support to help meet their needs or improve their progress. Our SENCo co-ordinates the SEND provision throughout school liaising and gathering information where necessary from the children, parents and carers, school staff and specialist advisers from the Local Authority and Health Service.


The school follows the graduated response to identifying and supporting children with SEND as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (January 2015). We follow the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review for all children.


If a teacher feels a child may need extra support they will consult with the school SENCo and the child’s parents. We have four special needs assistants and two learning mentors in school who may work with the child and contribute to these discussions.


During their time at Southglade, we continually monitor the progress of all children in order to aid the identification of pupils with SEND. Continuous monitoring of children with SEND will help to ensure that they are able to reach their full potential. It will also enable the school to put in appropriate support. The effectiveness of this support will be constantly reviewed. All staff have access to SEND referral forms, which identifies any initial concerns or worries. The SENCo will look at each case individually and discuss the appropriate support for that child with all involved.


If parents are concerned about their child then they can contact the class teacher or school SENCo by calling or emailing the school. Alternatively, an appointment can be made with the class teacher or SENCo via the school office. 


What is the school’s approach to teaching children with special

educational needs?


At Southglade Primary and Nursery School we believe strongly that all children should be treated equally in a positive environment where all pupils feel valued.


We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. The National Curriculum is our starting point for planning. Some children have barriers to learning and these are discussed by all adults involved and the appropriate provision is put in place.


These barriers to learning may arise as a consequence of a child having a special educational need and/or disability. Teachers take into account the needs of these children and ensure the appropriate provision is given to enable them to participate and engage effectively in school life. Such children may need additional or different support from that given to other children of the same age. Children may have special educational needs either throughout, or at any time during their school years, which could include learning, communication, physical or emotional difficulties.


Curriculum planning and assessment for children with SEND takes account of the type and extent of the difficulty experienced by the child. Teachers may adapt the curriculum and learning environment to ensure all children can access a varied and stimulating curriculum. This could be through differentiated work, visual and practical learning, small group work, visual timetables and opportunities to develop positive self-esteem and independent learning, enabling children to exercise choice, involvement in decision making and solving problems.


Assistance may be needed for some children during tests or SATS. In these cases, a child may be supported with a scribe or reader, a support assistant using BSL or Makaton or modified copies of tests may be used. At these times parents or carers will be notified so they fully understand the level of support being provided.


Each child at Southglade will be treated as a unique individual and we will always consider their specific needs and requirements.


How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child’s needs?


Our aim is to provide a curriculum that is relevant and broad and helps children to become as functionally literate, numerate, communicative and as independent as possible in an environment that promotes positive learning experiences.


Every child has learning objectives displayed on Brick Walls in their work books. Class provision maps are used to show interventions that take place for individual children. 


Some children receive targeted support in or out of the classroom from one of our Special Needs Assistants, Learning Mentors and/or one of our Teaching Assistants. All of these additional adults have undertaken relevant training and have many areas of expertise which is used with individual or small groups of children.


The Local Authority and schools in Nottingham City have worked together to develop Nottingham City Schools Provision Maps. Representatives from Health, Social Care, voluntary organisations and parents have also contributed to the maps. The provision maps list the different ways that mainstream schools may support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. This includes provision that will be available to all children (universal provision) and provision (additional interventions) that is available to children who have been identified as requiring SEND Support. 

Southglade Primary and Nursery School follow Nottingham City Provision Maps. However, we are not expected to provide all the interventions included on the maps. We will look at the needs of our children and select the interventions that are required. This means that provision in our school may vary year on year to reflect the changing needs of the children over time.


How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of provision for children with Special Educational Needs?


All pupils who have been identified as having SEND are monitored closely. Teachers track their progress and data is put into a tracking document twice yearly. The SENCo and class teachers then analyse this to identify strengths and any areas that need development.


Similarly, interventions are monitored to ensure they are effective.


Our interventions may include:

  • Maths or English Booster sessions
  • Misconception support
  • Precision teaching
  • Reading Support
  • Additional phonics
  • Speech, language and communication support
  • Toe by Toe
  • Nessy
  • Direct Instruction
  • Music interaction
  • Dough Disco
  • Funfit
  • Sensory Circuits
  • Special Play
  • Social Skills groups
  • Anger management
  • Confidence building
  • ELSA
  • Routes to Inclusion


All Teaching Assistants, Special Needs Assistants and Learning Mentors participate in the performance management process during which their support and interventions are reviewed. 


What are the arrangements for consulting parents of children with special educational needs? How will be I involved in the education of my child?


At Southglade Primary and Nursery School we believe that a positive working relationship with parents and carers is vital to enable early and accurate assessment and identification of SEND, which will lead to the correct intervention and provision.


We hold 3 parent’s evenings a year, where targets and support for pupils is discussed. In addition to this, all children receive an annual school report. If a child has been identified as SEND then termly Individual Education Plan (IEP) Review meetings may also take place. These reviews allow for structured conversations to occur about the child and their current support, as well as the opportunity to discuss any changes. The actions from the previous meeting will be reviewed, current progress/updates or any concerns will be shared by everyone present and new targets and actions will be set. Discussions will take place for how these can be supported at school and at home.


The SENCo and other school staff are supported by a range of outside agencies including Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Behaviour Support Team, Educational Psychologists, Learning Support Team, Autism Team and the school nurse where and when appropriate. If outside professionals are working with a child, they will be invited to Individual Education Plan (IEP) Review meetings if appropriate. If this is not possible their views and recommendations will be shared with parents by the SENCo. 


In some cases a child may benefit from an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This plan will set out very specific support that is available for a pupil and will be reviewed in school annually. 


How will my child be included in activities outside the school curriculum, including trips?


At Southglade we provide a wide variety of activities, visits and residential experiences. We value the benefit of education outside the classroom and believe that all children should have the opportunity to participate in these. Prior to trips, a pre-visit may be made by staff and a risk assessment is carried out which considers the needs of all children. Where necessary, we meet with parents/carers to discuss any additional support which may be required. We aim to ensure all children have the chance to be part of all activities whether inside or outside the classroom, with reasonable adjustments made where needed.


No child is excluded from activities at Southglade. If your child needs extra support to take part in activities, including residential trips, the school will carry out a risk assessment and will cater for this as best as it can.


What support is there for my child’s overall well-being?


We have a robust safeguarding policy and protocol in place. Children’s health and well-being is paramount. All staff have a responsibility for the children’s overall well-being. This is supported within the classroom through PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons, RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) as well as through assemblies and themed days.


Where appropriate, plans are put in place to support a child’s well-being following consultation with pupils and their parents/carers. We follow guidance if necessary from trained health professionals to meet any additional health, medical and personal care needs of individual children.


If your child has a health need, we will work closely with medical practitioners. We will administer prescribed medication following our medication policy where appropriate. Personal Care is conducted discreetly and with dignity whilst fostering independence whenever possible.


We work closely with the School Nurse Service, which provides support for individual children with differing needs, and with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) if your child needs that level of support. We also work closely with Social Care when appropriate.


At Southglade we have two learning mentors who are timetabled to provide either 1:1 or small group emotional and social support. This might be in the form of a nurture group e.g. for those who are having difficulty accessing learning, or a friendship group for those who are finding social situations more difficult.


Through a broad and balanced curriculum, opportunities within school including school council, assemblies, performances, sporting opportunities and after-school clubs, we aim to continually develop the self-esteem and social skills of all of our children. 


What training have staff supporting children with special educational needs had?


At Southglade Primary and Nursery School we have undertaken a wide variety of SEND training both as whole staff and as individuals. This has included autism training, Dyslexia training and speech, language and communication training. We aim to keep all school staff up-to-date with relevant training and developments in teaching practice in relation to the needs of children with SEND.


The SENCo attends Network meetings to update and revise developments in SEND and Inclusion. Teachers, teaching assistants, learning mentors and special needs assistants receive ongoing training which is identified through performance management, developmental observations and learning walks. Our SEND team have a range of expertise including Makaton, BSL, Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Attachment and Trauma.


This is not an exclusive list and ongoing professional development is key to ensuring all staff remain updated and skilled. 


What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?


At Southglade Primary and Nursery School annual Team around the School meetings are held. During these meetings requests for involvement for children with SEND are made. This support can be from the Educational Psychologist Service, Autism Team, the Speech, Language and Communication Team, the Learning Support Team, Behaviour Support Team or the Sensory Impairment Team. At these meetings any requests for support will be taken back to the relevant teams and decisions made by the services as to how best to support the school/child.


The school makes use of external services, based on the needs of the child in question. We are currently working with the following services as and when necessary:


  • The Educational Psychology Service (EPS)
  • Therapists including those for Speech and Language (SALT), Occupational (OT) and Physiotherapy (PT)
  • Teacher for the Deaf (HI)
  • Visually Impaired Team (VI)
  • Health Services including School Nurse, Paediatricians, Health

Visitors and Child and Adult Mental Health services (CAMHS)

  • Behaviour Support Team (BST)
  • Autism Team (AST)
  • Social Care and Local Children’s Centres
  • Out Reach and Voluntary Services
  • Schools and Families support services



Other services and expertise are contacted when required to ensure the appropriate support for all children.


Parents/carers are part of the discussion around referring for additional support from other agencies and are kept informed about the outcomes of the involvement.  


How accessible is the school for children with SEND?


Southglade Primary and Nursery School is a two-storey building and provides access for pupils with mobility difficulties and wheelchair users.

Our school has a range of specialist SEND facilities in place. These are:

  • Physical Environments:
  • Handrails, toilet and personal care facilities for pupils with physical disabilities;
  • Use of high visibility markings both inside and outside of the school building to support visually impaired pupils;
  • The Base – a room for SEND children to access learning and sensory activities outside of the classroom;
  • The Sensory Room – a room used for SEND children to calm and meet sensory needs;
  • x2 Mentor Rooms – rooms where 1:1 or small group work can take place with the learning mentors. 


What are the arrangements for consulting children with

SEND and involving them in their education?


We actively encourage all children to participate fully in all aspects of school life. Children who are named on the SEND register complete a 'One-Page Profile' which gives an opportunity for their 'voice' to be heard at termly review meetings. We encourage the inclusion of all children in the School Council and other consultation groups. Pupils with SEND are always included in decisions that are made within the classroom or with their peers.


Who are the school SEND Team and what are their contact details?


Mrs Hyland – SENCo (Special Needs Co-ordinator)

Mrs Guest – Special Needs Assistant

Mrs Brookes – Special Needs Assistant

Miss Dodson – Special Needs Assistant

Miss Blair - Special Needs Assistant

Mrs McCarthy – Learning mentor

Mrs Chambers – Learning mentor


Tel: 0115 9155763


What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEND

provision in school?


As a parent or carer, if you wish to complain about SEND provision, you should, in the first instance, raise it with your child’s class teacher and / or the SEND Team, who will try to resolve the situation. If you still have concerns then a phase leader or Deputy Head Teacher should be contacted. The Head teacher should be contacted in the unlikely event of a resolution not taking place.

In the unlikely event that a concern is not resolved in school, then the Chair of

Governors should be contacted, as per the Complaints Policy.  


How are the governing body involved in ensuring that school meets the needs of children with SEND?


The SEND governor meets at least termly with the SENCo to discuss SEND matters including provision in school. He is also involved in learning walks and work scrutinies. The governing body are kept informed of SEND provision in school through a SENCo and Head teacher’s report.


SEND Governor – Mr Mark Taylor 


What is the Nottingham City Local Offer?


The interventions and support offered at Southglade Primary and Nursery School feeds into the Local Authority local offer. In line with the Children and Families Act (2014) the Local Authority have brought together all of the information on services that support children and young people with SEND in one place. This can be found at – local offer.


It is a 'one-stop shop' for everything you need to know and every service you might need to access, including:


  • Health, such as doctors, nurses and therapists;
  • Education, such as schools, colleges, nurseries, playgroups and support services;
  • Social Care.


It also covers all of the support groups in the voluntary sector, as well as leisure activities. The aim is to provide all the information families need to make decisions about the best provision required. As part of this Local Offer we at Southglade Primary and Nursery School provide, as much as feasibly possible, graduated provision as outlined in the Nottingham City Schools Provision Maps for the current needs of pupils in the school. These can be found by following the link to Nottingham City Schools Provision Maps on this page and the Nottingham City schools website.



Parents/carers can also gain advice and support from the following websites:

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Parent Partnership -

Independent Parental Special Advice team -

Ask Lion –


Nottingham City Council’s Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) team work closely with parents, schools and health services to ensure that children and young people with SEND get the most out of their school life and maximise their achievements. More information on what they can offer can be accessed at: