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Southglade Primary School home page

Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Bereavement Support

We are all going to experience the death of someone we know as we move through life.  When someone we know and love dies, it can be a traumatic time. We are all different and will all act differently as we begin to grieve.This page is for you to try and find support at a very difficult time.


We have tried to make this page suitable for children and parents and carers. Children if you need support from us you can email us

We are more than happy to try and support you. Please take some time to browse the links below. You may find some of the sites really helpful.


Parents/carers. There is also information about how you can support a child, or find support for yourselves. Please feel free to email if you have any questions. We are not bereavement councillors, but we are good listeners and have supported with bereavement in our work in school.

Memories are very important and they help so much when a special person has died. Here are some activities from ELSA support.

What Mrs McCarthy does in her work with children who have experienced a death. Some of these ideas could help parents at home.