Monday 11.5.20
Well Being Activity
Today, we would like you to watch the clip below from 'Inside Out' which talks about emotions. Can you then think about how you have been feeling at this time and using the different characters draw, create artwork or write about your emotions during this time. How are you feeling? How have you been feeling? What have you enjoyed? What do you miss?
Starter - Numbers to 100
For our warm up activities this week, we are going to be focusing on the numbers from 60 to 70. Today I would like you to practice counting up in 1s from 60 to 70 and then back from 70 to 60. If you have been following the activities from the last two weeks, you should know what the pattern is by now. Use your 100 square to help you and point to the numbers as you count them to help you learn what they look like written in numerals.
Number Fact Families
Over the past two weeks we have been learning and practising how to solve addition and subtraction calculations. Today we are going to be thinking about the relationship between about addition and subtractions and how they form 'number fact families'.
Having a secure grasp of how addition and subtraction relate to one another is vital for mental calculation and problem solving.
There are different ways you can think about the relationship between addition and subtraction number facts. One is a triangle, the other is a bar. Examples of both of these can be seen below.
In this example, 13 is the whole and 6 and 7 are the parts. By moving around the triangle in different directions we can find all the addition and subtraction facts linked to these numbers. Can you find them?
They are 6+7=13, 7+6=13, 13-6=7 and 13-7=6.
These could also be written as 13=6+7, 13=6+6, 7=13-6 and 6=13-7.
Here are the same numbers expressed on a bar model.
The number sentences you can derive from this are the same as for the triangle.
Task - See if you can express the following in either a triangle or bar model and write down all the addition and subtractions in the fact family: 14+5=19
Now have a go at answering these. Use objects to help you if you need to. The questions are in a document for you to print off if you prefer.
Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - the, a, today, of, says
Remember to learn to read and write the words independently
Activity - Having explored the Three Little Pig's houses last week, can you decide which house you would prefer to live in and why. You may also want to say why you wouldn't want to live in one of the houses and explain your choices with the comparision.
Conjunctions in a sentence.MOV
Below are the five conjunctions you can use in your sentence. The main one we would like you to focus on using today is 'because'.
Activity - Season tree
Throughout the year, during our science sessions, we go out and look at the Southglade tree through the seasons. We have explored what has happened to the tree throughout the seasons thinking aboutthe changes to the leaves, the weather and the environment.
Can you draw, paint, create our Southglade Tree to show it throughout the seasons. Think about all the different aspects we have observed.
Phonics and Reading
We would like you to click on the videos below and watch the phonics lessons from Letters and Sounds. Activities which you can do to apply the sound are in the video and there are also linked underneath.
After, please watch the videos on the phonics resource and support section which practices all your phonics sounds using the flashcards which we use at school. Have a go at saying the sounds along with Miss Smith. Make sure you are saying the pure sounds accurately.
Don't forget to read your book everyday.