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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Thursday 16.7.20

Check out the overview of today's home learning below.  Hit the links for videos explaining the day's learning activities and don't forget the resource section at the bottom.


Warm up – Gem maths practice.  Then practice counting up and down in 10s from numbers up to and beyond 100.

Position and Direction – Reasoning and Problem Solving

Have a think about what the words forwards, backwards, above and below mean.  Practice saying and holding up your left and right hands.  Now try the reasoning and problem solving questions in the resource section below.  Remember, you are a maths detective looking for clues and evidence.  Watch the video for an explanation of the answers.


Complete the phonics lesson that is most appropriate for you.  If you are unsure, contact your teacher.

Phase 3: Revise lesson

Phase 4: Watch lesson 39 Phase 5: Revision Session - ‘r’ sound family with Miss Smith.  Use the link below to find the other pages you need for today’s session.  


Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - one, once, ask, school, put

Remember to learn to read and write the words independently.

Make a Poster

Today you are going to be making a poster.  Watch the clips of the story again to find out information about the magic beans.  Then watch the time-lapse of video of Miss Smith creating a poster of the magi beans.  Now have a go at doing one yourself, including what you can remember from the story.  You are then going to label the poster.  Look at the image in the resources section for more help.

Take a break

Have a chat; listen to some music; watch a programme; read a book; go outside


Observing Closely – Skittles in a bowl.

Try arranging skittles in a white bowl in various patterns.  Then pour water on so they are just covered.


What do you think will happen now?


Now wait a little while and watch carefully what happens.  Is it what you expected?


Look at the science section below for the images.



Watch the story My Daddy is Hilarious


Learning Overview

Science - Observing Closely - Skittles