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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Summer 2

Summer 2

Please click on the sub-pages below to follow what we are doing in year 6 this half term. Our topic is based around the book Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson.

We will be answering the following enquiry question during our half term of studies:

I wonder what life is like in the Amazon rainforest.



Key Year 6 Dates


Awe and Wonder Week: 3rd-7th June

Bikeability: 4th June, 5th June, 6th June, 11th June, 12th June and 13th June

Tennis Trip: 6PS 10th June and 6S 11th June

Cricket tournament: 17th June

Nottingham Trent University : 24th June

Sports Day: 27th June

Common Transfer Day: 3rd July  (see information from secondary schools for additional or alternative days)

Inset Day: 5th July

Year 6 Prom: 11th July

Leavers' assembly: 26th July


There will also be 9 swimming lessons for children who are identified- these children will be notified during the month of June with lessons starting on the 1st July 2019.