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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Summer 1

This term we are learning about volcanoes in our geography curriculum driver and our class text is the fantastic book The firework-maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman. Both classes have been loving this book so far as it involves volcanoes and explosions from fireworks. Scroll down the page to see our amazing learning in year 3.

As part of our curriculum lessons this week we have been looking at how volcanoes are formed. To help us understand this we learned about how the earth's crust is made up of tectonic plates that are all different shapes and sizes. 


One of activities was to make cut up a world map into the separate tectonic plates then try and piece them all back together like a jigsaw.


In maths we are looking at fractions. We have looked at how to make fractions of shapes and now we are looking at how to work out fractions of numbers. This week we did an activity in pairs where we both had to work out a fraction of a number each and decide who had the larger number. 

In English we have been focusing on the key vocabulary and characters in our book. There are 3 main characters, Lila, Hamlet and Chulak and they all go on an adventure together to help Lila become a real firework maker. We will be writing a letter from Lila to her father explaining why she has left to go on this dangerous adventure. 

As part of our love for reading lessons we are looking at JK Rowling the author of the Harry Potter series. We are all super excited about this and cannot wait to learn more about the magical wizarding world! 

In science we have planted seeds to grow over the next 4 weeks, we are learning all about how to look after plants and grow them. 


In our driver lessons we are learning all about volcanoes in geography. We have been using Digimaps to find where volcanoes are located around the world.

In PE we have been doing some outdoor adventurous games and working as a team.


In our geography lessons we have been putting together our volcano structures.


In maths we have been learning about fractions and time this half term.

In English, we have been writing reports all about volcanoes and learning lots about them.


We have celebrated Eid this half term and the end of fasting for Muslims.

Year 3 have been lucky enough to get Nottingham Trent Bridge cricket into school to run a workshop with the children.

3F Volcano Explosion

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