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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



Today we are going to look at the 'ue' sound. This is tricky so make sure you watch the videos and complete the activities below to practice this sound. 

Letters and Sounds - ue


Today we are going to make a Talk for Writing Map about information linked to pirates. Watch the video and find out how to complete the map for the activity. 

Talk for Writing Map example

Still image for this video


Still image for this video
ai and ay


Numbers to 50


Follow the link below to begin with some counting and number sense.


For the main lesson, you are going to be developing your knowledge of how to read, write and recognise numbers to 50.


Materials - Rocks


This week is the last week where we are learning about the properties of a common material.  The material of the week is rock. Watch the video below and join in with the lesson.


Today we would like you to listen to another story by Jonny Duddle called 'The Pirate Cruncher'. This is another fantastic story by this author and we will be using these stories throughout our topic of pirates.  There is also a pirate activity you can complete on Purple Mash to design your own pirate. 

The Pirate Cruncher - Jonny Duddle