Week 2
Week 2 Home Learning
A little note for Year 3-
This week it would be lovely for you to send us emails of pictures, letters or cards you have made for your friends. We know it is difficult when you can't see you friends every day like you usually do, so if you want to let your friends know that you miss them and that you are thinking of them then please send us pictures of your letters/pictures or cards and we will put them on our page. Keep checking back to see if one has been uploaded for you!
In line with GDPR, parents can you please ensure only pupils first names are used in any letters, pictures or cards.
Monday's positive quote
If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.
Good morning Year 3!
We hope you have had a wonderful weekend and are ready for week 2 of home learning.
Today you are going to be writing the next part of your story. Before writing, think about the following questions.
Think about
Where is she going?
-What mode of transport will get her there?
-How is she feeling?
-What does she see when she arrives at her destination?
Before she knew it, Cinderella was bundled into a carriage which gleamed in the evening moonlight. Cinderella had so many questions for the Fairy Godmother. Where were they going? How long would they be there? Why her? Before she could ask, the wheels of the carriage squeaked to a stop. Cautiously, she opened the door and took her first steps onto the grand, marble steps. “Wow” she mumbled and she slowly climbed the stairs to the large, stately door. With butterflies in her tummy, Cinderella pushed open the heavy, wooden door and entered the most glorious party she had ever seen.
After a few hours at the party, Cinderella had met lots of new friends including the Prince. All of a sudden, the clock chimed 12 and she started to notice something unusual. Her beautiful jewellery started disappearing and the lace on her dress started falling off. “What is happening” she murmured.
Challenge: Can you use a 2A sentence in your writing?
Make a card, write a letter or draw a picture for a friend from school. Send them to your teacher's email address and we will post them on the website for your friends to see :)
Tuesday's positive quote:
Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.
Today you are going to write the resolution and ending to your adventure story. Think about the following questions:
- How will your challenge be overcome?
- How will your story end?
- Will you leave your story on a cliffhanger?
As fast as she could, Cinderella ran home from the ball. The next day she found out the Prince was looking for her. As she looked down, she could see she had left a shoe at the ball! As the days went on, the Prince was searching for his Princess. Luckily for Cinderella, she had overheard her malicious stepsisters talking about the Prince and his hunt for his Princess. Cinderella arrived at the market place to try on the sleek, glass slipper, and low and behold it fitted perfectly! The Prince was ecstatic to have found his Princess.
Challenge: Can you think of two endings for your story and ask a member of your family to decide which they like best?
Why not try this Science activity?
Remember when we created our own camouflaged butterflies? We looked at what camouflage meant and why animals might need to camouflage themselves, and then we created our own butterfly which blended in with an area of the classroom. See if you can have a go!
1) Research what camouflage means.
2) Draw your own animal (doesn't have to be a butterfly)
3) Choose an area of your home to camouflage your animal
4) Use pencil crayons to colour in your animal and see how well it camouflages!
Don't forget to send your teacher your finished design, and see if they can spot your camouflaged animal in its new habitat!
Wednesday's positive quote:
Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can do.
Morning Year 3!
You should now have finished your own adventure story, so well done! We thought it would be nice for one of your parents or siblings, or somebody at home to complete a book review just like we would do in school for our chosen book. You could set out your home learning book just like the book review below.
Thursday’s positive quote:
Anything is possible. Anything can be.
Good Morning Year 3!
Today I would like you to log on to your Purple Mash (your log in details are in the home learning pack we sent home). If you log on you will see I have set you some ‘2do’s’ at the top of the page- please have a go at both!
If you would like a further challenge or you are not able to get on to purple mash, please can you practice your 3,4 and 8 times table by writing each one down and putting them on each step of your stairs. As you walk up and down you should shout out the times table. Like this:
As it is Thursday I also want to set you a Spanish challenge. Print or copy out the splats and colour them in with your understanding of colours in Spanish!
Hello lovely Year 3!
It's Mrs Carter here! I hope you are all well and staying safe! I miss you!
Here are a couple of Reading Challenges for you to have a go at. Record your answers on some paper. Remember to answer in full sentences and in your neatest handwriting. Enjoy!
Friday’s positive quote
Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible'.
Happy Friday Year 3 and well done for completing week 2 of home learning!
Over the Easter break we will not be setting daily tasks, however on our home learning page there are lots of fun Easter activities for you to try.
Please continue to send up pictures of your Easter work so we can upload them onto the website J
Today why don’t you start warming up your times table knowledge by playing hit the button! What is your highest score? https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
When you’re ready try and apply your knowledge of your times tables by solving these worded problems!
Why don't you try some science today too? Have a go at one of these fun experiments!