Monday 22.6.20
Maths Warm up – Gem maths. Counting up and down in 2s from different numbers to 100. Fractions – Finding a Half Introduce the concept of a half. Learn and use the vocabulary half and whole. Watch the video: Solve the problems in the document below (in Maths Resources). Look at the maths talks section for ideas about questions to ask and things to talk about. |
Phonics Complete the phonics lesson that is most appropriate for you. If you are unsure, contact your teacher. Phase 3: Revise lesson 1 Phase 4: Watch Lesson 21 Phase 5: Revision Session - ‘air’ sound family with Miss Smith |
English Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - I, the, a, today, of, Remember to learn to read and write the words independently.
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Watch Miss Smith reading the story above then watch and join in with today’s lesson: |
Take a break: Have a chat; listen to some music; watch a programme; read a book; go outside |
Activity – National Sports Week Speed Bounce Get your heart racing! How many times can you jump from side to side in 1 minute? Ask someone to time you. Challenge Have a competition with your family members. Who can do the most jumps? Capture Take a photo of you taking part and send it in. Don't forget to tell us how many jumps you did. I wonder who can do the most in Year 1?
Storytime Click the link to listen to Mr Land reading the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae |