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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Tuesday 21.7.20

Check out the overview of today's home learning below.  Hit the links for videos explaining the day's learning activities and don't forget the resource section at the bottom.


Warm up – Gem Maths.  Counting up and down in 2s from numbers up to and beyond 100.

Time – To the half hour

Watch the video on telling the time to the half hour.  Then try the questions attached in the resource section below.


Complete the phonics lesson that is most appropriate for you.  If you are unsure, contact your teacher.

Phase 3: Revise lesson 26

Phase 4: Watch lesson 52 Phase 5: Revision Session - ‘v’ sound family with Miss Smith.  Use the link below to find the other pages you need for today’s session.


Spellings (Y1 Common Exception Words) - they, be, he, me, she,

Remember to learn to read and write the words independently.


Today you are going to be trying to write some sentences describing monsters  Watch Miss Smith explain.

Take a break

Have a chat; listen to some music; watch a programme; read a book; go outside

Curriculum - Design and Technology

There are two activities to complete today in the Resources Section below:

1/ The Three Little Pigs are going on a picnic.  What would they take?  Try to make their picnic basket healthy.  Add 5 different items to the basket including a drink.  Use some exciting adjectives to describe the items, e.g. ‘sparkling, fizzy orange pop!’  Or ‘spicy vegetable samosa’s’.

2/ Make and decorate a picnic basket for one of The three Little Pigs.


Choose  story read by either Miss Smith, Miss Short or Mr Land from the video resource centre.


English Resources

Today's Overview