Today it is our spelling test. Remember we are doing the spellings from last Friday and you need to learn the spellings on her the first week back after the holidays (we will put them back up for the first week back to remind you.) There are some videos and other resources you can use to support with the 'oa' sound family.
Spelling introduction 12.2.21

Today we have set 4 grammar challenges on Purple Mash to have a look at and explore. They are practicing grammar techniques we have looked at this year including conjunctions, plurals, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
English Lesson 12.2.21

Today we are going to finish the final letters we need to practice for our letter formation. Watch the video to see how to follow the letter formation.
Fluency Friday
It is Fluency Friday so get ready for your Gem Maths test. Watch the video and join in with some counting and complete the number sense activities. After that do your Gem Maths test then attempt the word problem from the video.
Word Problem
There are 3 blue sweets, 2 red sweets and 5 green sweets in a packet. How many sweets are there in the packet altogether?
(Note: The date on this link is incorrect but it is the correct video)
Coding - 2Go (Purple Mash)
This week, you are going to continue practising programming by giving a bot simple instructions. Watch the video where Mr Land explains.
Below are some videos from a wonderful story and one of Miss Smith's favourites, 'Old Bear'. Enjoy some of the episodes of this wonderful story.