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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Thursday 18.6.20

English - Refresh your memory of the story The Day the Crayons Quit

I love the silly voices that this man does for each crayon in the story! 


Now you need to write a sentence about every crayon in the book. How are they feeling and why?

I have done the first one for you:


Red crayon is tired because he has to work all the time, even on holidays!

Purple crayon 

Beige crayon

Grey crayon

White crayon

Black crayon

Green crayon

Yellow crayon

Orange crayon

Blue crayon

Pink crayon

Peach crayon


You should have 12 sentences! Try to use a different adjective for each crayon, it will be boring if you write every crayon is sad!




Lesson 4- Patterns with 2D and 3D shapes. 

Watch the video then complete the questions below:

Maths questions

Scribble Art

You could do it like the video with only 3 colours, or use as many as you like!

PE- Cosmic Yoga

Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!