Writing activity
Use Miss Blaxley's video below to help you plan your narrative. We are going to focus on going on a journey to retrieve an item (similar to Lila in The Firework Maker's Daughter), and face a dilemma along the way.
You can use the storyboard template below to help you plan your story.
Grammar activity
Your grammar activity links with your spelling activity, as it focuses on prefixes. Watch the videos here https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z4k6wnbhe before completing the prefix quiz (on the BBC Bitesize website), and the prefix sort sheet below.
Reading activity
Listen to actress Aimee Kelly read My Naughty Little Sister, before answering the questions below- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfjxdp3
1. Why does Aimee like the stories in My Naughty Little Sister so much?
2. Do you think Aimee is similar to any of the characters in My Naughty Little Sister?
3. Do you think you would like reading My Naughty Little Sister too? Why?