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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 1

Welcome to year 6!


We hope that you have all had an excellent summer and are refreshed and ready for the exciting Autumn term ahead.


This year your child will be in either:

Class 6PS – Mr Pegram (Monday, Tuesday), Mr Shuttleworth (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Class 6S – Mrs Smith


The teaching assistants in year 6 will be Mrs Peet and Mrs Mitchell. They will be working across Year 6 supporting in class.

Our first enquiry question this half-term will be: I wonder what features make an island unique and it will be based around the book Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.


In this topic, the children will be learning about:

Literacy – poetry, adventure stories , biographies and diaries

Numeracy – Place value, addition, multiplication and division, fractions, properties of number/ algebra, fluency

Geography – I wonder what features make an island unique?

History – I wonder how did WW2 affect children?

Science – classification based on similarities and differences, Madagascar, Dodos

Art – island landscapes, wave art, pencil drawing, cartoon drawing animals

DT – Anderson shelters

RE – Diwali Celebration Day, Harvest Festival, Christmas

ICT – E safety, coding, computer aided design

PE – multi-skills attacking and defending games, gymnastics with apparatus, dance

PSHE – our learning value is pride during the first half-term.


To support our topic and to enhance the children’s learning we will also be going on a number of school trips.

Dates for your diary are:

Awe and Wonder Week- week beginning 9th September (open classroom 9-10 on 11th Sept)

24th September (PM) – Safety Zone event at Holme Pierrepont

2nd-4th October – Kingswood Residential

13th November – National Holocaust Centre- Newark


Additional information about these school visits will be sent out nearer the time, along with information on other visits we have planned later in the term.



PE Kit

Can you please make sure your child has appropriate kit in school every day. The school PE kit is white T-Shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms on colder days and trainers or plimsolls.



Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform every day, if you child is not in uniform they will be given a school jumper to wear as well as plimsolls if they come to school wearing trainers. If you require any help with uniform please come and see Mrs Finnie or a member of the SLT team.



Children in year 6 are expected to do the following homework each week:


Reading homework – to read for at least 3 x 15 minutes, record a comment in their diary and have the diary signed by an adult. Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday- please ensure children have their diaries in school every school day.


It is really important that your child has their reading diary in school every day. Once a week, the reading diaries will be checked by their class teacher; children will have the opportunity to move up through our Reading Rockets incentive where they can earn certificates and golden tickets for achieving 3 reads a week.


Spellings - Children will bring spellings home each week linked to the work that they have been doing in their spelling group that week. The test will be on a

Momday and new spellings will be given out on this date as well.


Times Table RockStars – twice a week the children will take part in the times table challenges on Times Table Rockstars. Children will be able to access this at home as well as in school with their unique log in. Children will also be completing times-table challenges during this year.


Key Stage 2 SATs Tests

It is a very important year and we will be working very hard preparing for the Key Stage 2 SATs tests which will take place in English and Maths in May 2020. As in previous years, the children will have ‘practise SATs weeks’ in order to assess their ability in each subject and to help them prepare for the SATs in May.


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate your children on the excellent way that they have settled in to their new class and year group and we are looking forward to sharing a happy and productive year with them. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to ask us then please do not hesitate to come in.


Once again, we welcome you and your child to year 6 and we hope that we have an excellent year.

Mind Map