Today’s Learning. Click the link below to watch your teacher talking and writing about their favourite fruit
Now complete this follow up activity- Discuss your favourite fruit with a grown up and write your own ‘I like…” sentence about your favourite fruit. Draw and label a picture of your favourite fruit to go with your sentence. |
Phonics Click the link below to see today’s phonics lesson taught by Mrs Barron.
Now Complete this follow up activity- Think of and write your own sentence using today’s tricky words- to and the. |
Maths Click the link below to see today’s Maths Lesson taught by Miss Cantrill.
Now complete this follow up activity- Go on your own number 8 hunt around your house. Take photos of any number 8 objects that you find and email them to Mrs Barron and Miss Cantrill.
Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while |
Additional Ideas Take part in Joe Wick’s online PE lesson- some of your teachers will be joining in too! Design and draw a fruit bowl for your favourite fruit. Click the link to play the interactive fruit splat game. |
Story time : Click the link to listen to Miss Carney reading a story.