Foundation Stage Newsletter : Autumn 2
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term holiday. The children have all come back really settled and keen to learn! We have had a fabulous week learning about Autumn changes and Autumn Celebrations, and enjoyed an Autumn walk to collect some leaves for our artwork.
This half term we will be talking about and doing activities linked to Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Diwali and Christmas. Keep an eye on our class blogs to see lots of pictures of what we get up to :
Our focus book for this half term is The Jolly Postman and our enquiry question is Where do I live? We will be learning about Nottingham and our local area, including a walk to the local post box to send a letter.
Please remember to record in your child’s reading diary whenever you hear them read at home. The children are all really keen to collect stars for their Reading Owls, after reading three times in a week.
Diary Dates
16th November – Anti bullying week starts with Odd Socks Day (more details to follow)
Guinea Pigs
If you would like to look after our lovely Guinea Pigs over a weekend please ask a member of staff or sign up on the lists in each class.
As the weather is getting colder and wetter, please could you ensure your child comes to School in a warm, waterproof coat, as we will be using our outdoor area every day, whatever the weather. If your child comes in wellies, they also need a pair of shoes to change into please. As always, make sure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
If you require any more information or have any questions for us, please don’t hesitate to ask!